Tuition Fees

When is the absolute latest time I can pay my fees to keep my child enrolled in the music program?
Fees are due on the last day of the previous term. If fees are not paid in full 7 days prior to the start of each term, a $15 late fee will be charged. Students will also not be allowed to attend their lessons if payment is not received by the end of the 2nd lesson of each term.
What happens if I don’t receive an invoice?
All invoices are sent out via email 3 weeks prior to the end of term and are due on the last day of term. If for some reason you don’t receive an invoice please let me know and I will resend.
How can I get my holding deposit back?
Parents can get the money back in full by giving written notice via email at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the term that your child is leaving.
Why do you charge a holding bond?
All new enrolments are charged a holding bond of $30 which is refundable when a child leaves the program. The reason a holding bond is charged is to encourage parents to let us know in advance when their child is leaving the program. Once a child is enrolled, their place in the program is automatically continued from one term to the next. I pay my staff according to the numbers enrolled so if I do not know until a few weeks in the term that a child has left, this holding bond covers the wages to my staff. We also need to know ahead of time ahead of time that a child is leaving so that the timetable can be adjusted accordingly and we are not left with gaps.
What happens when our child misses a music lesson? Do you offer make up lessons or give refunds?
There are no credits or refunds given when a child misses a lesson for whatever reason but we do offer 2 make up lessons per term for missed lessons. In order for make-up lessons to be applicable parents need to personally inform their child’ music teacher no later than 8am on the day of the missed lesson. (Advance notice is also required for lessons missed for school reasons ie. swimming, excursions etc. as we are not always informed of all events happening within the school). Absences due to non attendance without prior notice will be charged.
What payment options do you accept?


Credit Card


Direct Deposit into the Kids on Key bank account (bank details will be provided on your term invoice)

Lesson Information

Where are lessons held?
You will be advised of the room where your child’s lesson will be at the start of enrolment.
How will my child know that it is time for their music lesson?
Music teachers do their best to try to locate students but due to the busy nature of primary schools it is not always possible to locate students, especially when they are not in their home room. We strongly suggest you purchase a watch with an alarm so that your child has a fool proof way to remember their lesson time.
Is my child required to bring books to every lesson?
Yes they need to bring their method book and also an A4 display folder to house extra sheets that might be given to them during the term.
How long are the lessons & how does the timetabling of lessons work?
Music Lessons are 30 minutes and are scheduled at various times throughout the school day. (We aim to work out a lesson time that is least disruptive to the class timetable). Depending on enrolment numbers, after school timeslots may also be available but this varies from year to year.
Are the students involved in any concerts?
We always do a big end of year concert for students and parents and other performance opportunities are encouraged throughout the year.
Can my child partake in any formal music exams?
Yes participation and preparation for formal music exams is offered but this is generally only recommended for students who have reached a certain level of proficiency on their particular instrument.
Are students collected for their weekly lesson?
Our policy is that it is the child’s responsibility to make it to their lesson on time. A high priority for us is to make sure all students get their full 30 min weekly lesson time each week so we do not allow time to personally collect each students from their classrooms. All class teachers are given a copy of the timetable at the start of each term and are asked to help out with lessons time reminders for their students, but this does not always happen due to the busy nature of a classroom.

If a child does not remember to come, we do call their classroom but this is not always successful as sometimes classes are not in their usual room. If you are concerned that your child might forget to attend and/or want to ensure you have a fool proof system to ensure weekly on time attendance we are advising parents to buy a watch with an alarm so you can set a reminder for 5 min prior to their weekly lesson time. Please note that we do our very best to locate students but if your child is not contactable and forgets to attend their lesson no credits or refunds will be given.

What are your Program Conditions?

Click Kids on Key Program Conditions for the Kids On Keys Program Conditions.


Can my child learn more than one instrument?
Yes a $10 discount each is given to students who learn a second instrument
Do I need to provide an instrument for my child?
Yes children are required to have their own instrument and bring it to school for their weekly lesson. (The only exception to this is keyboard as keyboards are provided for lessons at school but students still need their own for home practice.
Where can I buy or rent an instrument?
We recommend Pats Music for instrument rental or purchasing but are happy to give your further advise on this if required.
Can my child change to another instrument?
Yes but we only allow students to change over at the start of a new term.

Online Lessons

What extra requirements do I need for my child to be able to do online lessons?
  • Access to a devise to use for their weekly online lessons – either a computer, laptop or tablet (due to the size of an iphone this is generally preferred as a back up option only)
  • minimum internet speed of 10 MBPS
  • Zoom Video calling software installed (teacher can assist with setting this up)
  • A tool, desk or tablet holder so the devise is positioned securely
Is there a difference in cost for online lessons?

The costs for online lessons is the same as face to face lessons.

Do I need fast internet for online lessons?

You will need a minimum internet speed of 10 MBPS for online lessons

What video calling software do you use for online lessons?

We use ZOOM as we find it to be a very user friendly & comprehensive program. It also has lots of great features to enhance the learning experience for students.

I am worried about the safety aspects of online lessons. Do you staff adhere to a safety policy when conducting online lessons?

Yes we take the safety and privacy aspects of zoom very seriously so staff are required to adhere to our Kids on Key ZOOM Safe Practices Policy 2020